
SMS Lunch

On Saturday of 8th week (15th June), SMS is organising a lunch for everyone who has been involved in music […]


We have added a few recordings of this term's concert to the SMS YouTube channel: Darius Milhaud: ScaramoucheGabriel Pierné: Canzonetta (arr. […]

Finals Recitals

In weeks 6 and 7 two of Somerville's music finalists will be presenting a preview of their exam recitals: On […]

Recitals in 5th Week

This week we have two concerts lined up, an evening recital and a lunchtime recital. On Tuesday at 8pm Somerville's […]

Oxford Guitar Ensemble

This week's lunchtime recital will feature the Oxford Guitar Ensemble. Antony Beere, David Hewings, Charlie Jarvis, Nia Madden, Giles Masters, Tom […]

Open Concert

I would like to warmly invite you all to take part in SMS's final open concert of the year, which […]

Lunchtime and Evening Recitals

This week we have two recitals coming up: On Thursday Emily Winkler (soprano) and Luke Faulkner (piano) will be performing songs and […]

Vocal Recital

This week's lunchtime recital will feature a guest soloist from Birmingham Conservatoire: Daniel Wyman (baritone) will be singing songs and arias by […]
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