Evening Concerts

Somerville Music Society puts on a wide range of evening concerts. These include classical recitals (as an extension of the SMS Lunchtime Recital Series), opera productions and the choir's end-of-term concerts as well as open concerts. Details of next term's concerts will be announced in due course.

Freshers' Concert (Thursday of 3rd week, 31 October 2013, 7:30pm)

Showcase your musical talents in Somerville Chapel by taking part in this concert. All are welcome to contribute items in any style; please email Robert Pecksmith by Thursday of 2nd week with what you would like to play. It will be a wonderful evening of music making, so please do get involved or come and support your peers.

Open Concerts

These informal concerts take place once or twice a term and feature an eclectic mix of classical and popular music. All Somervillians who sing or play an instrument to whatever standard are welcome to perform. Please contact us if you are interested in contributing to these concerts. If you don't want to perform as a soloist, you can also team up with fellow Somervillians and join a chamber music group or a band. If you can’t find a group to tickle your musical fancy at college or university level, why not start your own? SMS can provide advice and support. In the past, Somerville has had a College Orchestra, Flute Choir, Recorder Group and many other impromptu ensembles.

SMS provides free wine and snacks in Vaughan SCR after most evening concerts.

Somerville College Orchestra and David Crown
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