Next SMS Meeting

SMS will be holding their final meeting of term on Friday of 7th week at 3pm in the DHQ Music Room.
It would be great to see everyone there, amongst other things we will be discussing:

  • Christmas caroling in Oxford in 8th week
  • setting up a college jazz band
  • arts week events next term
  • potential collaboration with St. Anne's to form an orchestra
  • getting music produced by students to be played in the bar
  • equipment which needs to be bought (mic leads, amp leads, anything else people suggest we might need)
  • opportunities for students to perform at Friday recitals

Please do come along, especially if you have any insights about band equipment which it would be helpful for us to invest in.

Also, just a quick reminder that there is a recital at 1.15 in chapel today by our very own Isabel Singola, with Andrew Dickson on piano. It promises to be a really stunning concert, and will make for perfect post - lunch relaxation!

Charlotte McLean
(SMS President)

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