Musical Instruments and Equipment Cataloguing

Somerville Music Society will be taking an inventory of all instruments, equipment, and CDs, located around college, at the end of this academic year. In order to speed up the identification of SMS property, we politely request that all student owned instruments and equipment are removed from Park and DHQ Music Rooms by the Wednesday of 9th week. Where this is not possible, SMS should be notified with a brief description of the item and its location, for example "Casio keyboard, silver, DHQ" or "Marshall guitar amplifier, Park Music Room".

Obviously, the opposite applies to all students currently borrowing any SMS items - it is imperative that it is returned or at least its whereabouts made known. 

Whilst there is no plan to remove any equipment, this ensures that no student property is lost, as all items remaining in these rooms will be assumed to belong to SMS.

Sam Walker
(SMS President Elect)

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