SMS Meeting and Elections

There will be an SMS meeting on Friday at 5pm. Note the location will be New Council Room (by the lodge). In addition to any other items on the agenda, this meeting will be particularly important as we will be electing new committee members for SMS next year. This is a great opportunity to get involved, and shape the musical life of the college. While these roles are often filled by music students, absolutely anyone with an interest in music is encouraged to come forward - indeed, most of the present committee does not read music as a subject. 

Positions that will be available are:

  • President
  • Vice-President
  • Treasurer
  • Publicity Officer
  • Social Secretary

If anyone wishes to stand for it, the positions of Secretary, Webmaster and Recitals Coordinator are also available. The present officer of these roles will probably still be able to carry them out, so refilling these roles is less of a priority. However, if you would like to stand for any of them, go for it!
More detailed descriptions of these roles can be found on our newly revamped website under 'About SMS - Constitution'. The positions are described from article 6 onwards, for anyone who's interested. 

Alternatively, (and much more interestingly) do feel free to talk/email to any of the present occupants of these positions, who will be able to give you the low-down on what the job entails. These are myself, Isabel Sinagola, Orly Watson, Douglas Knight and Ian Buchanan. 

Robert Pecksmith
(SMS President)

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